Data Preparation

While R itself has some powerful tools for data preparation, dplyr package makes such tasks much efficient and easier.

We will use cake dataset - you can download it from here. First, import dplyr.

> library(dplyr)
Filtering Data

Selecting subsets or slices from dataframes is achieved through the filter function of dplyr. Let's say we want to select part of the dataframe where only vanilla flavor is listed.

> filter(cake, Flavor == 'Vanilla')
# A tibble: 6 x 6
  LastName   Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor  Layers
1 Orlando     27           93         80 Vanilla 1     
2 Goldston    46           68         75 Vanilla 1     
3 Roe         38           79         73 Vanilla 2     
4 Nguyen      57           77         84 Vanilla NA    
5 Byron       62           72         87 Vanilla 2     
6 Conrad      69           85         94 Vanilla 1     

We can also put more than one conditions.

> filter(cake, Flavor == 'Vanilla', Layers == '1')
# A tibble: 3 x 6
  LastName   Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor  Layers
1 Orlando     27           93         80 Vanilla 1     
2 Goldston    46           68         75 Vanilla 1     
3 Conrad      69           85         94 Vanilla 1     

Above was an example of 'AND' operator. We could have achieved the same result with the following:

> filter(cake, Flavor == 'Vanilla' & Layers == '1')

Similarly we can use an 'OR' operator with '|':

> filter(cake, Flavor == 'Vanilla' | Layers == '1')
# A tibble: 12 x 6
   LastName      Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor    Layers
 1 Orlando        27           93         80 Vanilla   1     
 2 Goldston       46           68         75 Vanilla   1     
 3 Roe            38           79         73 Vanilla   2     
 4 Strickland     19           82         79 Chocolate 1     
 5 Nguyen         57           77         84 Vanilla   NA    
 6 Hildenbrand    33           81         83 Chocolate 1     
 7 Byron          62           72         87 Vanilla   2     
 8 Sanders        26           56         79 Chocolate 1     
 9 Jaeger         43           66         74 ""        1     
10 Conrad         69           85         94 Vanilla   1     
11 Anderson       27           87         85 Chocolate 1     
12 Merritt        62           73         84 Chocolate 1     

Following example will show selecting 'NA' values (as we cannot simply use '==NA')

> filter(cake, == TRUE)
# A tibble: 2 x 6
  LastName   Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor    Layers
1 Larsen      23           77         84 Chocolate NA    
2 Nguyen      57           77         84 Vanilla   NA    
Sorting Rows

Sorting rows is done via arrange function of dplyr.

> arrange(cake, LastName)
# A tibble: 20 x 6
   LastName      Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor    Layers
 1 Anderson       27           87         85 Chocolate 1     
 2 Becker         36           62         83 Spice     2     
 3 Byron          62           72         87 Vanilla   2     
 4 Conrad         69           85         94 Vanilla   1     
 5 Davis          51           86         91 Spice     3     
 6 Davis          28           69         75 Chocolate 2     
 7 Goldston       46           68         75 Vanilla   1     
 8 Hildenbrand    33           81         83 Chocolate 1     
 9 Jaeger         43           66         74 ""        1     
10 Larsen         23           77         84 Chocolate NA    
11 Matthew        42           81         92 Chocolate 2     
12 Merritt        62           73         84 Chocolate 1     
13 Nguyen         57           77         84 Vanilla   NA    
14 Orlando        27           93         80 Vanilla   1     
15 Ramey          32           84         72 Rum       2     
16 Roe            38           79         73 Vanilla   2     
17 Rossburger     28           78         81 Spice     2     
18 Sanders        26           56         79 Chocolate 1     
19 Strickland     19           82         79 Chocolate 1     
20 Walters        55           67         72 Chocolate 2     

Default sorting style is ascending. To change it:

> arrange(cake, desc(LastName))
# A tibble: 20 x 6
   LastName      Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor    Layers
 1 Walters        55           67         72 Chocolate 2     
 2 Strickland     19           82         79 Chocolate 1     
 3 Sanders        26           56         79 Chocolate 1     
 4 Rossburger     28           78         81 Spice     2     
 5 Roe            38           79         73 Vanilla   2     
 6 Ramey          32           84         72 Rum       2     
 7 Orlando        27           93         80 Vanilla   1     
 8 Nguyen         57           77         84 Vanilla   NA    
 9 Merritt        62           73         84 Chocolate 1     
10 Matthew        42           81         92 Chocolate 2     
11 Larsen         23           77         84 Chocolate NA    
12 Jaeger         43           66         74 ""        1     
13 Hildenbrand    33           81         83 Chocolate 1     
14 Goldston       46           68         75 Vanilla   1     
15 Davis          51           86         91 Spice     3     
16 Davis          28           69         75 Chocolate 2     
17 Conrad         69           85         94 Vanilla   1     
18 Byron          62           72         87 Vanilla   2     
19 Becker         36           62         83 Spice     2     
20 Anderson       27           87         85 Chocolate 1     
Selecting Subsets

There will be times where we are interested in certain columns but not the others. select function of dplyr helps us to achieve just that. Say we would like to get a new subset from LastName and PresentScore. Following will achieve that:

> select(cake, LastName, PresentScore)
# A tibble: 20 x 2
   LastName    PresentScore
 1 Orlando               93
 2 Ramey                 84
 3 Goldston              68
 4 Roe                   79
 5 Larsen                77
 6 Davis                 86
 7 Strickland            82
 8 Nguyen                77
 9 Hildenbrand           81
10 Byron                 72
11 Sanders               56
12 Jaeger                66
13 Davis                 69
14 Conrad                85
15 Walters               67
16 Rossburger            78
17 Matthew               81
18 Becker                62
19 Anderson              87
20 Merritt               73

To select multiple columns we use colon(:) operator (similar to -- in SAS).

> select(cake, LastName:PresentScore)
# A tibble: 20 x 3
   LastName      Age PresentScore
 1 Orlando        27           93
 2 Ramey          32           84
 3 Goldston       46           68
 4 Roe            38           79
 5 Larsen         23           77
 6 Davis          51           86
 7 Strickland     19           82
 8 Nguyen         57           77
 9 Hildenbrand    33           81
10 Byron          62           72
11 Sanders        26           56
12 Jaeger         43           66
13 Davis          28           69
14 Conrad         69           85
15 Walters        55           67
16 Rossburger     28           78
17 Matthew        42           81
18 Becker         36           62
19 Anderson       27           87
20 Merritt        62           73
Renaming Columns

Renaming columns is done with rename function of dplyr.

> rename(cake,PScore = PresentScore)

Note that the order is important: new_name = old_name will work, old_name = new_name won't.

# A tibble: 20 x 6
   LastName      Age PScore TasteScore Flavor    Layers
 1 Orlando        27     93         80 Vanilla   1     
 2 Ramey          32     84         72 Rum       2     
 3 Goldston       46     68         75 Vanilla   1     
 4 Roe            38     79         73 Vanilla   2     
 5 Larsen         23     77         84 Chocolate NA    
 6 Davis          51     86         91 Spice     3     
 7 Strickland     19     82         79 Chocolate 1     
 8 Nguyen         57     77         84 Vanilla   NA    
 9 Hildenbrand    33     81         83 Chocolate 1     
10 Byron          62     72         87 Vanilla   2     
11 Sanders        26     56         79 Chocolate 1     
12 Jaeger         43     66         74 ""        1     
13 Davis          28     69         75 Chocolate 2     
14 Conrad         69     85         94 Vanilla   1     
15 Walters        55     67         72 Chocolate 2     
16 Rossburger     28     78         81 Spice     2     
17 Matthew        42     81         92 Chocolate 2     
18 Becker         36     62         83 Spice     2     
19 Anderson       27     87         85 Chocolate 1     
20 Merritt        62     73         84 Chocolate 1     
Adding Columns

We can add new columns with mutate function.

> mutate(cake, AvgScore = (PresentScore + TasteScore) / 2)
# A tibble: 20 x 7
   LastName      Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor    Layers AvgScore
 1 Orlando        27           93         80 Vanilla   1          86.5
 2 Ramey          32           84         72 Rum       2          78  
 3 Goldston       46           68         75 Vanilla   1          71.5
 4 Roe            38           79         73 Vanilla   2          76  
 5 Larsen         23           77         84 Chocolate NA         80.5
 6 Davis          51           86         91 Spice     3          88.5
 7 Strickland     19           82         79 Chocolate 1          80.5
 8 Nguyen         57           77         84 Vanilla   NA         80.5
 9 Hildenbrand    33           81         83 Chocolate 1          82  
10 Byron          62           72         87 Vanilla   2          79.5
11 Sanders        26           56         79 Chocolate 1          67.5
12 Jaeger         43           66         74 ""        1          70  
13 Davis          28           69         75 Chocolate 2          72  
14 Conrad         69           85         94 Vanilla   1          89.5
15 Walters        55           67         72 Chocolate 2          69.5
16 Rossburger     28           78         81 Spice     2          79.5
17 Matthew        42           81         92 Chocolate 2          86.5
18 Becker         36           62         83 Spice     2          72.5
19 Anderson       27           87         85 Chocolate 1          86  
20 Merritt        62           73         84 Chocolate 1          78.5
Summarizing Data

Oftentimes we would like to have a summary of our dataset before venturing into further statistical analysis. summarize and group_by functions group and summarize data frames.

> summarize(group_by(cake, Flavor), mean(PresentScore, na.rm=TRUE))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
  Flavor    `mean(PresentScore, na.rm = TRUE)`
1 ""                                      66  
2 Chocolate                               74.8
3 Rum                                     84  
4 Spice                                   75.3
5 Vanilla                                 79  

Pipelines help us to input multiple commands into single one. Pipeline operator in R is %>%. For example we would like to get averages of different flavors excluding empty flavors and NA layers:

> filter(cake, Flavor != '', == FALSE) %>%
+ group_by(Flavor) %>%
+ summarize(avgscore = mean(PresentScore))
# A tibble: 4 x 2
  Flavor    				avgscore
1 Chocolate                 74.5
2 Rum                       84  
3 Spice                     75.3
4 Vanilla                   79.4

We can even further extend our pipeline to ggplot:

> filter(cake, Flavor != '', == FALSE) %>%
+ group_by(Flavor) %>%
+ summarize(avgscore = mean(PresentScore)) %>%
+ ggplot(mapping = aes(x=Flavor, y=avgscore)) + geom_bar(stat='identity')
Transposing Data

reshape2 is one of the best packages around to transform our data. Here is an example: suppose we have a dataframe as below.

Bag Color n nn
A blue 8 16
A green 14 28
A red 8 16
B blue 16 32
B green 7 14
B red 7 14

To transform this dataframe into the following,

Bag Color variable value
A blue n 8
A green n 14
A red n 8
B blue n 16
B green n 7
B red n 7
A blue nn 16
A green nn 28
A red nn 16
B blue nn 32
B green nn 14
B red nn 14

we will use the melt function of reshape2 package:

> library(reshape2)
> new <- melt(old, id=c('Bag','Color'), na.rm=TRUE)

Any variable that is specified in 'id' argument will stay where they are, rest of the columns will be packed into two columns.

To transform this data back to its original form:

> old <- dcast(new, Bag+Color~variable, value.var = 'value')

Similarly this statement says 'keep Bag and Color in place, distribute values in variable as columns and fill the values with the value of n'.

Splitting Columns

Sometimes we come across columns packing more than a single variable. For example, take a look at table 'bags' below:

Bag n nn
A Blue 8 64
A Green 14 196
A Red 8 64
B Blue 16 256
B Green 7 49
B Red 7 49

Column 'Bag' includes both the type and color of bags. We need to separate them into two columns instead. We will use reshape2 package again for this purpose.

> library(reshape2)
> colsplit(bags$Bag, ' ', c('Type', 'Color')) %>%
+ data.frame(bags) %>%
+ select(Type, Color, n, nn)
  Type Color  n  nn
1    A  blue  8  64
2    A green 14 196
3    A   red  8  64
4    B  blue 16 256
5    B green  7  49
6    B   red  7  49

Here is how the above code works: colsplit function separates data in 'Bag' column (data which is separated by space) into a matrix with two columns, 'Type' and 'Color'. This generated matrix is then pipelined to data.frame function which combines it with the original dataframe and output it as a new dataframe. This new dataframe is subset by the tidyr's select function into the final dataframe.

Export Tables

write.csv is the function of R to export any table in csv format. Here's how we do it:

> write.csv(mytable, 'D:\\teaching\\mytable.csv')

Note that the default options save row names. If you don't want to save row names, you need to specify it:

> write.csv(mytable, 'D:\\teaching\\mytable.csv', row.names=FALSE)

Missing values by default are saved as 'NA'. If you want to export just a blank cell instead:

> write.csv(mytable, 'D:\\teaching\\mytable.csv', row.names=FALSE, na="")