
There are a variety of probability sampling strategies. Frequently used probability sampling strategies are simple, systematic, stratified, and cluster sampling. Simple random sampling may be the best known sampling strategy. Systematic random sampling uses a list of population elements. If elements can be assumed to be randomly listed, then a starting point is randomly identified, and elements are selected using a sampling interval. These intervals are calculated by dividing the desired sample size by the number of elements in the sampling frame. For example, to select a sample size of 50 from a sampling frame with 100 elements, pick a random starting point and select every second element until 50 elements are selected. Stratified sampling uses groups to achieve representativeness, or to ensure that a certain number of elements from each group are selected. In a stratified sample, the sampling frame is divided into nonoverlapping groups or strata (e.g., age groups, gender). Then a random sample is taken from each stratum. This technique, for example, can be used to study a small subgroup of a population that could be excluded in a simple random sample. Cluster sampling enables random sampling from either a very large population or one that is geographically diverse. An important objective of cluster sampling is to reduce costs by increasing sampling efficiency. A problem with cluster sampling is that, although every cluster has the same chance of being selected, elements within large clusters have a greatly reduced chance of being selected in the final sample. Using the probability proportionate to size (PPS) technique corrects this error. PPS takes into account the difference in cluster size and adjusts the chance that clusters will be selected. That is, PPS increases the odds that elements in larger clusters will be selected [1]. All of these methods are available with the SURVEYSELECT procedure.

The SURVEYSELECT procedure provides a variety of methods for selecting probability-based random samples. The procedure can select a simple random sample or can sample according to a complex multistage sample design that includes stratification, clustering, and unequal probabilities of selection.

Let's use an imaginary dataset to demonstrate each sampling method. For example let's assume we have dataset that lists number of accidents per each day of a week and we would like to get a sample out of it. A few observations from the dataset looks like this (you can download the full dataset from here.)

Obs day dayofweek n
1 1 Monday 49
2 2 Tuesday 30
3 3 Wednesday 29
4 4 Thursday 53
5 5 Friday 73
6 6 Saturday 103
7 7 Sunday 66
8 8 Monday 52
9 9 Tuesday 30
10 10 Wednesday 28

Here's a summary of the original dataset:

Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 3000 69.54 18.37 11.00 134.00
Monday 3000 59.55 9.88 20.00 91.00
Saturday 3000 79.61 17.73 4.00 142.00
Sunday 3000 59.88 13.11 19.00 103.00
Thursday 3000 54.34 8.02 28.00 83.00
Tuesday 3000 39.61 7.13 9.00 69.00
Wednesday 3000 34.32 5.99 15.00 56.00

Simple Random Sampling

The method of simple random sampling without replacement (METHOD=SRS) selects units with equal probability and without replacement and also the default sampling method in SAS. Each possible sample of different units out of has the same probability of being selected. After a unit is selected it cannot be selected again. Here's how we do it in SAS:


Here's a summary of our sample:

Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 12 64.25 16.03 39.00 87.00
Monday 10 54.00 8.97 44.00 75.00
Saturday 18 82.11 21.92 33.00 113.00
Sunday 18 63.44 14.20 44.00 93.00
Thursday 15 54.87 7.37 43.00 65.00
Tuesday 16 42.13 7.64 26.00 53.00
Wednesday 11 33.09 6.20 24.00 42.00

The problem with our sample is the distribution of days; clearly Saturday and Sunday are overrepresented whereas Monday and Wednesday are underrepresented. To fix this we have to specify a strata preceded by sorting the data by specified strata (this is one of the things that I still don't get - why this sorting cannot be done by the process itself but has to be separately conducted):

PROC SORT DATA=tutorial.sampling;
BY dayofweek;

STRATA dayofweek;
Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 14 60.71 20.41 11.00 86.00
Monday 14 61,43 9.43 47.00 81.00
Saturday 14 79.07 21.83 46.00 126.00
Sunday 14 65.57 13.79 38.00 83.00
Thursday 14 52.07 6.79 37.00 65.00
Tuesday 14 37.64 7.63 27.00 49.00
Wednesday 14 33.93 5.59 26.00 42.00

Note we specified the sample size as 14 for each strata so that we have a sample size of 14x7=98.

Strata option worked well in our example because there are equal number of observations for each day of the week but what if we have a sample with unequal distribution of days of week and we represent this proportion in our sample. Assume for example that our original data looked like this instead:

Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 211 74.41 14.77 51.00 134.00
Monday 190 63.56 7.61 51.00 86.00
Saturday 232 81.60 16.70 52.00 131.00
Sunday 162 65.74 10.06 51.00 97.00
Thursday 183 58.89 5.56 51.00 73.00
Tuesday 21 53.81 2.82 51.00 59.00
Wednesday 1 52.00 - 52.00 52.00

To get an accurate sample representing the original distribution of days of the week, we can use METHOD=SEQ, sequential random sampling which would take the original distribution into account without a need to specify strata at all. Here's how we do it:

Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 21 73.24 12.07 52.00 95.00
Monday 19 62.47 6.10 51.00 73.00
Saturday 23 80.00 15.37 56.00 110.00
Sunday 16 63.94 11.11 51.00 97.00
Thursday 19 58.42 5.68 52.00 69.00
Tuesday 2 55.00 4.24 52.00 58.00

If we instead want to create a sample with replacement instead, we should use METHOD=URS (unrestricted random sampling). With replacement in place of course, there is always a chance of selecting the same observation more than once. By default SAS removes duplicate observations from the final dataset. Let's demonstrate this with an example:

STRATA dayofweek;
Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 14 65.50 18.10 26.00 91.00
Monday 14 62.79 9.01 44.00 77.00
Saturday 14 86.71 23.31 45.00 132.00
Sunday 14 59.36 12.24 40.00 79.00
Thursday 13 55.15 5.15 46.00 63.00
Tuesday 14 40.07 5.31 32.00 47.00
Wednesday 14 32.50 5.84 19.00 42.00

As can be seen, we have 13 observations for Thursday instead of 14 we specified. In order to keep the duplicate instead we add OUTHITS option to our code.

STRATA dayofweek;
Analysis Variable : n
dayofweek N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
Friday 14 65.50 18.10 26.00 91.00
Monday 14 62.79 9.01 44.00 77.00
Saturday 14 86.71 23.31 45.00 132.00
Sunday 14 59.36 12.24 40.00 79.00
Thursday 14 55.21 4.95 46.00 63.00
Tuesday 14 40.07 5.31 32.00 47.00
Wednesday 14 32.50 5.84 19.00 42.00
Example: Titanic Passengers

Description: TThe sinking of the RMS Titanic is one of the most infamous shipwrecks in history. On April 15, 1912, during her maiden voyage, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg, killing 1502 out of 2224 passengers and crew. This data table describes the survival status of 1309 of the 1324 individual passengers on the Titanic. Information on the 899 crew members is not included

name: Passenger name.
survived: Yes or No.
passenger_class: 1, 2, or 3 corresponding to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class.
sex: Passenger sex.
age: Passenger age.
siblings_and_spouses: The number of siblings and spouses aboard.
parents_and_children: The number of parents and children aboard.
fare: The passenger fare.
port: Port of embarkment (C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton).
home_dest: The home or final intended destination of the passenger.

Source: Building Better Models with JMP Pro
Download the data from here

Task: Create a data set with %70 train and 30% test, derive a logistic regression model to find factors effecting survival chance with train data and test it with test data.

Let's first create our test and train dataset with SURVEYSELECT procedure:


RATE defines the percent of data to be selected - 30% in our case.
OUTALL tells SAS to output not just the selected but also unselected data in the output. To separate the selected from unselected, SAS will create a column called "selected" with value 1 for selected and 0 for unselected.
METHOD=SRS specifies the selection method = sampling with replacement in this case. Other option is URS.
SEED=1234 is simply a seed number for generating random selection. This can be any number. If you use the same number you will get the same result - it's good for reproducibility.

Now we have a new dataset with a "selected" column and we would like to create two datasets with names titanic_train and titanic_test. To do this we use DATA procedure:

DATA titanic_train titanic_test;
SET sample;
IF selected=0 THEN OUTPUT titanic_train;
ELSE OUTPUT titanic_test;

Next we can run our first logistic regression model with train data:

PROC LOGISTIC DATA= titanic_train;
CLASS survived passenger_class sex port;
MODEL survived = passenger_class sex port age siblings_and_spouses parents_and_children fare;
Model Fit Statistics
Criterion Intercept Only Intercept and
AIC 977.400 682.571
SC 981.984 728.405
-2 Log L 975.400 662.571
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq
Likelihood Ratio 312.8295 9 <.0001
Score 272.0024 9 <.0001
Wald 187.3937 9 <.0001
Type 3 Analysis of Effects
Effect DF Wald
Pr > ChiSq
Passenger_Class 2 39.9014 <.0001
Sex 1 129.7333 <.0001
Port 2 22.1606 <.0001
Age 1 24.2463 <.0001
Siblings_and_Spouses 1 7.5274 0.0061
Parents_and_Children 1 0.0452 0.8316
Fare 1 0.0014 0.9697
Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Parameter   DF Estimate Standard
Pr > ChiSq
Intercept   1 1.0919 0.3459 9.9635 0.0016
Passenger_Class 1 1 0.9339 0.2050 20.7613 <.0001
Passenger_Class 2 1 0.0812 0.1562 0.2699 0.6034
Sex female 1 1.2423 0.1091 129.7333 <.0001
Port C 1 1.1380 0.2474 21.1600 <.0001
Port Q 1 -1.2993 0.3786 11.7762 0.0006
Age   1 -0.0394 0.00800 24.2463 <.0001
Siblings_and_Spouses   1 -0.3617 0.1318 7.5274 0.0061
Parents_and_Children   1 0.0260 0.1223 0.0452 0.8316
Fare   1 0.000099 0.00260 0.0014 0.9697
Odds Ratio Estimates
Effect Point Estimate 95% Wald
Confidence Limits
Passenger_Class 1 vs 3 7.022 3.648 13.516
Passenger_Class 2 vs 3 2.993 1.861 4.814
Sex female vs male 11.997 7.823 18.397
Port C vs S 2.655 1.600 4.406
Port Q vs S 0.232 0.077 0.695
Age 0.961 0.946 0.977
Siblings_and_Spouses 0.696 0.538 0.902
Parents_and_Children 1.026 0.808 1.304
Fare 1.000 0.995 1.005
Association of Predicted Probabilities and
Observed Responses
Percent Concordant 84.8 Somers' D 0.697
Percent Discordant 15.1 Gamma 0.697
Percent Tied 0.0 Tau-a 0.336
Pairs 125852 c 0.849

Variables parents_and_children and fare are relevant so we will remove them from our model. Also we will add a new option to PROC LOGISTIC statement: OUTMODEL=titanic. This will save the model (formula) for making estimations on the test data set.

PROC LOGISTIC DATA=titanic_train OUTMODEL=titanic;
CLASS survived passenger_class sex port;
MODEL survived = passenger_class sex port age siblings_and_spouses;
Model Fit Statistics
Criterion Intercept Only Intercept and
AIC 978.434 678.689
SC 983.019 715.367
-2 Log L 976.434 662.689
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq
Likelihood Ratio 313.7450 7 <.0001
Score 272.7190 7 <.0001
Wald 187.6911 7 <.0001
Type 3 Analysis of Effects
Effect DF Wald
Pr > ChiSq
Passenger_Class 2 52.2370 <.0001
Sex 1 137.4998 <.0001
Port 2 22.5883 <.0001
Age 1 24.6579 <.0001
Siblings_and_Spouses 1 8.0404 0.0046
Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Parameter   DF Estimate Standard
Pr > ChiSq
Intercept   1 1.1068 0.3281 11.3792 0.0007
Passenger_Class 1 1 0.9380 0.1743 28.9742 <.0001
Passenger_Class 2 1 0.0795 0.1516 0.2746 0.6002
Sex female 1 1.2482 0.1064 137.4998 <.0001
Port C 1 1.1421 0.2463 21.5095 <.0001
Port Q 1 -1.3050 0.3781 11.9122 0.0006
Age   1 -0.0395 0.00796 24.6579 <.0001
Siblings_and_Spouses   1 -0.3523 0.1242 8.0404 0.0046
Odds Ratio Estimates
Effect Point Estimate 95% Wald
Confidence Limits
Passenger_Class 1 vs 3 7.067 4.062 12.296
Passenger_Class 2 vs 3 2.995 1.870 4.796
Sex female vs male 12.138 7.997 18.424
Port C vs S 2.663 1.611 4.399
Port Q vs S 0.230 0.077 0.689
Age 0.961 0.946 0.976
Siblings_and_Spouses 0.703 0.551 0.897
Association of Predicted Probabilities and
Observed Responses
Percent Concordant 84.9 Somers' D 0.698
Percent Discordant 15.0 Gamma 0.699
Percent Tied 0.1 Tau-a 0.337
Pairs 126144 c 0.849

Let's now see how good our model is with our test data set.

SCORE DATA=titanic_test OUT=titanic_score FITSTAT ;
Fit Statistics for SCORE Data
Data Set Total Frequency Log Likelihood Error Rate AIC AICC BIC SC R-Square Max-Rescaled
AUC Brier Score
WORK.TITANIC_TEST 320 -150.1 0.2000 316.1415 316.6046 346.2881 346.2881 0.342782 0.461507 0.846468 0.148635

Our error rate is 20%, not bad. Another measure I typically look into is Brier Score. Brier Score is the mean squared difference between the predicted probability and the actual outcome. The lower the Brier score is, the better our model is. A Brier score of zero means perfect fit and one means worst fit possible. For our case it's 0.15, not so bad - not amazing either. If we had randomly estimated survival, our Brier score would have been around 0.25, so 0.15 is not too bad.

When saving scores, SAS puts two columns in the output: f_survived and i_survived for each observation. f_survived is the value of survived in the titanic_test dataset and i_survived is the estimated value of the survival based on the logistic model. Therefore the more agreeement between these columns, the better our model is. We can utilize PROC FREQ to see how good our estimates are:

PROC FREQ DATA=titanic_score;
TABLE f_survived*i_survived / AGREE;

And here is our output:

McNemar's Test
Statistic (S) 1.5625
DF 1
Pr > S 0.2113

p-value for McNemar test is 0.2113. Higher p-values mean better agreement. We can use this measure to compare different models. Agree plot shows our fit visually. Note that this measure would only be useful for relatively balanced designs.

Preventing Bias in Sampling

It is important to create samples that represent original data accurately otherwise we would have a biased sample. For example, take a look at the carddefault data which shows the credit card defaults with other socio-economic variables. A predictive model would try to estimate the defaulting. Let's take a look at the default and student ratios in the dataset via PROC FREQ:

PROC FREQ DATA=tutorial.carddefault;
TABLES default student;
default Frequency Percent Cumulative
No 9667 96.67 9667 96.67
Yes 333 3.33 10000 100.00
student Frequency Percent Cumulative
No 7056 70.56 7056 70.56
Yes 2944 29.44 10000 100.00

Now let's create a training sample from our dataset via PROC SURVEYSELECT and see the distribution via PROC FREQ:

PROC SURVEYSELECT DATA=tutorial.carddefault OUT=train_carddefault RATE=0.7 SEED=1234;

PROC FREQ DATA=train_carddefault;
TABLES default student;
default Frequency Percent Cumulative
No 6742 96.31 6742 96.31
Yes 258 3.69 7000 100.00
student Frequency Percent Cumulative
No 4969 70.99 4969 70.99
Yes 2031 29.01 7000 100.00

As can be seen from above default=Yes is oversampled and student=Yes is undersampled. To remedy this we have to use STRATA statement with PROC SURVEYSELECT. Note that sorting the data is required before invoking STRATA.

PROC SORT DATA=tutorial.carddefault;
BY default student;

PROC SURVEYSELECT DATA=tutorial.carddefault OUT=train_carddefault RATE=0.7 SEED=1234;
STRATA default student;

PROC FREQ DATA=train_carddefault;
TABLES default student;
default Frequency Percent Cumulative
No 6767 96.66 6767 96.66
Yes 234 3.34 7001 100.00
student Frequency Percent Cumulative
No 4940 70.56 4940 70.56
Yes 2061 29.44 7001 100.00
  1. Determining Sample Size: Balancing Power, Precision, and Practicality, P. Dattalo