Data Preparation

Few data sets in practice are perfect therefore we need preparation steps after importing data.

Converting string to numeric

There are times when pandas import a numeric variable as string when there are non-numeric rows in the dataset. To solve this problem we can use to_numeric function. Take a look at the telco dataset.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
telco = pd.read_csv('D:\\teaching\\telco.csv')

Let's see the data types of our imported variables:

customerID           object
gender               object
Senior                int64
Partner              object
Dependents           object
tenure                int64
PhoneService         object
MultipleLines        object
InternetService      object
OnlineSecurity       object
OnlineBackup         object
DeviceProtection     object
TechSupport          object
StreamingTV          object
StreamingMovies      object
Contract             object
PaperlessBilling     object
PaymentMethod        object
MonthlyCharges      float64
TotalCharges         object
Churn                object
dtype: object

As seen from above variable TotalCharges is imported as object whereas it ought to be float. We have two options to fix this: one, convert string to float and when there is an unconvertable string, record it as NaN. Second option is to further process this dataset and convert NaN's to zero.

telco.TotalCharges = pd.to_numeric(telco.TotalCharges, errors='coerce').astype(np.float64)

errors='coerce' option tells to_numeric function convert unconvertable strings to NaN. If we want to get rid of NaN's we can delete those rows:


or convert them to zero from the very beginning with the to_numeric function:

telco.TotalCharges = pd.to_numeric(telco.TotalCharges, errors='coerce').fillna(0).astype(np.float64)
Dealing with dates

Take a look at the waltham dataset.

SellingPrice        float64
Beds                float64
Baths               float64
BuildingSqFt        float64
LotSqFt             float64
YearBuilt           float64
ZipCode             float64
DateSold             object
ElementarySchool    float64
Heat                float64
CentralAC           float64
FinishedBasement    float64
Parking             float64
Rooms               float64
BldgGrade           float64
BldgCondition       float64
dtype: object

As seen above variable DateSold is an object, i.e. string. To convert this to a datetime object we will use DatetimeIndex function from pandas.

import pandas as pd
waltham.DateSold = pd.DatetimeIndex(waltham.DateSold)

Let's see if our variable type has changed:

SellingPrice               float64
Beds                       float64
Baths                      float64
BuildingSqFt               float64
LotSqFt                    float64
YearBuilt                  float64
ZipCode                    float64
DateSold            datetime64[ns]
ElementarySchool           float64
Heat                       float64
CentralAC                  float64
FinishedBasement           float64
Parking                    float64
Rooms                      float64
BldgGrade                  float64
BldgCondition              float64
dtype: object
Changing dtypes

There will be times when you may want to change the data type of a dataframe column for various reasons. For example you may have a dataframe like below and you want to change the dtype from float to int16 for a more efficient use of memory.

1.0 1.0
2.0 4.0
3.0 9.0
4.0 16.0
5.0 25.0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25

To change the dtype of the whole dataframe to one dtype:

df = df.astype('int16')

What if we instead want to change the data type of column 'A' instead?

df.A = df.A.astype('int16')
Changing index

pandas dataframes by default are created with indices and they are very important in various data operations such as joins and there will be times we need to modify them. For example, take a look at a simple dataframe below. Column to the left of column A is the index.

   A   B
0  1   2
1  2   4
2  3   9
3  4  16
4  5  25

Let's say we want to use column A as the index instead. To do that:

df = df.set_index('A')
1   2
2   4
3   9
4  16
5  25

If we want to get rid of this index and create a new one all we have to do is assign an array or series to it:

df.index = np.arange(0,10,2)
0   2
2   4
4   9
6  16
8  25
Modifying rows on conditional logic

Python offers powerful tools to modify data based on conditional logic. For example take a look at the table below.

day time measure
307 2210 37.71
307 2220 37.78
307 2230 37.82
307 2240 37.76
307 2250 37.81
307 2300 37.84
307 2310 38.01
307 2320 38.1
307 2330 38.15
307 2340 37.92
307 2350 37.64
308 0 37.7
308 10 37.46
308 20 37.41
308 30 37.46
308 40 37.56
308 50 37.55
308 100 37.75
308 110 37.76
308 120 37.73
308 130 37.77
308 140 38.01
308 150 38.04
308 200 38.07

Let's say we want to plot the change of measure with time but time becomes zero with the change of day. To fix this we need to add 2400 to time when the day is 308. To do this

beaver.loc[ == 308,'time'] = beaver.loc[ == 308,'time'] + 2400
Example: Preparing Netflix Data

This is a challenging example with millions of rows. You can download the dataset from here.

Here's what the first part of dataset (combined_data_1.txt) looks like:

Column 1 is CustomerID, column 2 is Rating and column 3 is Date. We are missing movie that's being rated! It's actually here: take a look at row 1: movie #1. Data is set up such that each movie no separates data into subsets. We'd better to create a new row and assign movie numbers there.

Let's first import our data into a pandas dataframe:

net1 = pd.read_csv('D:\\teaching\\netflix\\combined_data_1.txt', skiprows=1, header=None, names=['CustomerID','Rate','Date'])